Day 8!


When I woke up today I felt so tired, but we needed to get u for breakfast. So as always we ate breakfast and then got ready. Today we needed to meet earlier cus we got lunch with us to school today so we needed to pick that up. After that we went to school, but the bus was 15 minutes late and then it was so much traffic so we came really late to school. At school I was still tired and I realised I got a little bit sick. So I was really tired the whole day and didn't feel so good, but it's because I drank too little so it got better after i drank a lot of water.
After school we njust hang out in our room and after 1 and an half hour we went to a beach for beach party! It was really fun there, I talked to new people and got closer to the ones I met before. At first we just chilled there and then we got hamburger and chips. After we ate we started to go in our groups and then we went to different station and competed against each other. The first station we went to we needed to fill a big bottle with water. We could only use our selves so I just went in water and squeezed the water out of my hair and bikini. After that we had a race thing. After the race thing we needed to build a sand castle and our turned out pretty good. The last station we were able to do was a race thing too.
When we were done with the statuion the clock was already after 10 so we went back to the hotel.




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