Day 15!

Monday again, which means school. We woke up, ate breakfast, got ready and got late to school because of the traffic. In school my class watched a movie, Inside man, which was pretty good. After that we went to Paradise Bay again where Fanny and I shared pizza. When we were done eating we went swimming, because I didn't want to be right in the sun light because of the burn. It was fun because it was big waves. At 5 we went back to the hotel that is about 5 min away and got ready and ate dinner.
Today we had the farewell party, though it's kinda weird that we had it already, but it was more like a normal party. It was like Numero Uno but not as good as it. The first hours were so boring because almost no one danced but at the end it got better, and we needed to go home when it was the best. So I had party feeling the whole bus ride and I stillw anna party more even though I need to sleep so I can wake up tomorrow. I think that the 3 things I'll miss the most when going home is, the weather, being surrounded by people 24/7 and to party 2-4 times a week. Not so many days left until we go home again.




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