Day 10 in Malta | Paradise Bay!


Today it was wednesday which means Numero Uno. Anyways we woke up, breakfast and got ready for school and went to school. Today at school we just did different excercises and the day went kinda fast. After school we went to a beach called Paradise Bay and it was so beautiful! At first I didn't see the beach though, just cliffs and trees but after going down many stairs we saw the small beach. It was really small but the water was so blue and beautiful.
When we came there we were really hungry so Fanny and I ordered a pizza directly which was really good. After that we went swimming and stayed in water until we were leaving the beach for today. We went home and changed and went to Numero Uno! And today it was foam party again which is so fun, I just love it so much and I used my waterproof case so I could take some photos and videos while there, but sadly they are really dark. Anyways tomorrow we will sleep until 10 which is cool, we bought breakfast to our room so we will just get ready eat and go!






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