Day 21

Well everything comes to an end and today this amazing trip was ended for me. These 3 weeks have been one of the best in my life.
Today we woke up 7:20 and went to breakfast. After that we started to pack the last things and then put our bikinis on and went to the pool. We could stay there for 2 hours and then at 10.30 we went to the room and went to check-out. After that we just chilled at the lobby and then at 12 we took some group photos.
When we were done we had only an half hour to get some lunch so we went and took take away pizza, so we sat in the lobby and ate pizza until the clock was 1.25. Now it was time for us to leave so we said goodbye to everybody which was so sad. I think that we had the best leaders so it was so sad to leave them, but we will hopefully meet again in October!
After this we went ti the airport where we took the flight to Frankfurt where we needed to wait one hour longer and then took the flight to Finland. We arrived about 1 o'clock and after that we went home.

An amazing trip is behind with a lot of memories and I'm going to miss everybody that I met there.

Missing you all so much!






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